Assessment & Evaluation

In the assessment process, Dr. Nguyen considers the whole person, their specific culture, family, school, work, and community environments.  She designs an individualized evaluation based on the questions to be answered and the unique needs of the person.  Dr. Nguyen utilizes therapeutic/collaborative assessment practices and has found this empirically-supported approach to be an effective model to help people understand themselves better, paving the way toward substantive, lasting changes.  The individual being evaluated and parents/caregivers will be encouraged to be active participants throughout the assessment process.  


Example Questions

  • Does my child/Do I have ADHD?  What can I do about it?

  • I am having difficulty concentrating and recalling information.  What's going on?

  • Why do I have difficulty forming authentic and lasting relationships?

  • My child has behavioral difficulties.  What can the school and home environment do to help?

  • I'm not sure what college major to choose.  What are my cognitive strengths and weaknesses?


Types of Assessment

Intelligence Testing - Focuses on the individual's cognitive strengths and weaknesses, which can include assessing developmental delays, intellectual giftedness, intellectual disabilities, kindergarten readiness, college readiness, communication skills, nonverbal reasoning skills, and processing speed.

Achievement Testing - Education-based testing to understand academic strengths and weaknesses in areas of reading, mathematics, and writing to determine possible learning disabilities (e.g., dyslexia, math) and assist in educational planning. 

Neuropsychological Testing - Includes assessment of attention and memory skills, as well as higher level executive functions (e.g. organizational and planning skills).  

Social-Emotional Evaluation -  Assessment of an individual's emotional, behavioral, and social skills, which may impact a person's functioning at school or work. 

Developmental Assessment - For children, adolescents, and adults with concerns regarding developmental delay, suspected Autism, or confirmed Autism, Dr. Nguyen provides developmental assessments to clarify a diagnosis or to assist in treatment planning.


To learn more about psychological assessments, you are encouraged to review the PDF brochure Understanding Psychological Testing and Assessment, published by the American Psychological Association.